Friday, January 30, 2009

Mmmmm....what to do!

Today is Friday and man is it a yukky day. It started raining late yesterday afternoon and didn't stop 'til this morning. And it's a little chilly outside. Not really cold ~ just damp. I think the sun might actually be trying to come out now.

I've had my Esty shop for over a month now & I've had only 1 sale. What to do!?! I've advertised like crazy, started blogging, my shop name is everywhere. There are people looking at it ~ just no one's buying. Prices too high? Not appealing enough? I LOVE my bracelets. I LOVE making them. How can I get others to take the plunge & buy one them for themselves?

Maybe I could do some gemstone education to show people there is way more to a gemstone than just bling. There are more gemstones out there than just diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds....those are the basics but there's even more to them than just bling. Okay ~ that's the week, we'll start Gemstone 101!

Monday, January 26, 2009


It's MONDAY! Guess you figured that out, though, huh! It's a crazy day! So much to do but I don't know where to start, so I guess I just won't do any of it! LOL! Naw....seriously, it's 1:30pm and I've gotten a few things done...the important stuff ~ check e-mail, check my blog, check my MySpace, check my Facebook....yeah, the important stuff. Now, I'm doing stuff I don't wanna do! Laundry and getting ready to start dinner! Start dinner? Yes, I'm making potato soup and it's better if it simmers for awhile. It's Paula Deen's recipe and oh man it it GOOD!

As for business, I haven't done much today. Yesterday, I did put a few more things up on Etsy. Some of my favorite pieces....a CHAKRA balancing bracelet, an EMOTIONAL BALANCE bracelet and a POWER OF THREE bracelet. Go ~ hurry ~ check them out! Think you're going to love them! Not sure if I'll make anything today or not. I'd like to but you know how it goes.... LIFE GETS IN THE WAY! But WAIT ~ my jewelry is my life so why not!

Take care...until next time!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Love them gemstones!

These gems have life in them: their colors speak, say what words fail of. ~George Eliot

I've been making gemstone bracelets for about 3 years or so. At first it was just for fun & for me! I LOVE gemstones & the energy they emanate! Someone suggested I try to sell them. After doing research, I finally decided to give it a shot. I called a few local metaphysical shops in the area & was able to start selling them on consignment. Today, I'm in six stores, have an Etsy store, a myspace, an e-mail address, a tax ID number & as of yesterday, a blog! My husband & I are also in the process of adding a two-story addition behind our house. Part of that addition will be my studio!

No two pieces are alike....unless requested. I made two exactly alike recently for my best friend & I with gemstones relating to friendship along with a friendship charm! I'm always making something new ~ either by request or personal creativity. Custom work is available & if you're not sure what stones would work for you....just ask. I have a test you can take to help you figure it out.

Be sure to check out my etsy & myspace sites! Thanks for stopping in!